Video Marketing Statistics and Trends

Sourced video marketing statistics, from video marketing business adoption and video advertising to consumer behavior and social media video.

If I had a nickel for every video marketing statistics that I’ve seen in the last year, I could buy us all a cup of coffee. The problem is, a lot of the statistics I see really aren’t that helpful to many video marketing practitioners.

As just one example, the oft-quoted statistic from Cisco that, by 2019, 80% of all internet traffic will be video.

Now, I suppose that’s helpful for understanding the video is growing in popularity, but it’s also true that much of that traffic will come from big OTT providers, like Netflix and Amazon, with the balance being accounted for, presumably, by cat videos. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

If, like me, you don’t fit into either of those categories, you know that it can sometimes be hard to find relevant, properly cited, statistics concerning the business use of video for marketing.

Video Marketing Statistics and Trend
of marketers say video has helped them increase sales
of marketers say video increased dwell time on their website
of marketers say that video helped them reduce support queries.
of businesses use video as a marketing tool
of businesses plan to spend more on video marketing in 2018
of marketers plan to increase their investment in Facebook video in the next year
of marketers have used Facebook Live
of marketers plan to add YouTube to their content strategy in the next year
of marketers have used Instagram video
of marketers have published video content on LinkedIn
of marketers have used Snapchat video
of marketers said they paid to boost or advertise video on Facebook in the last 12 months.
of people have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.
of people say they’d like to see more video from brands in 2018
of consumers say they are more likely to finish a video if it includes text, so they can watch it silently
of people consume video content thoroughly

360 Video

15% of marketers have used 360 video. Of those who used it, 62% found it to be an effective strategy. 16% of marketers plan to use 360 video in 2018. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

Adoption and Spend by Marketers and Brands

Nine percent of marketers list Video to increase brand engagement as the single most exciting opportunity for their organization in 2018, behind Using marketing automation to increase efficiency and yield (also 9%), Creating compelling content for digital experiences (14%), Data-driven marketing that focuses on the individual (16%), and Optimizing the customer experience (19%). (Adobe, Adobe 2018 Digital Intelligence Briefing)

44%  of marketers rate Building more ‘native’ online content such as interactive applications, short-form video, etc. as very important in delivering a great customer experience over the coming year.(Adobe, Adobe 2018 Digital Intelligence Briefing)

22% of marketers rank video content as one of their organization’s three top priorities for digital-related marketing in 2018, after customer journey management(23%), targeting and personalization (24%), content marketing (25%), and social media engagement (26%).(Adobe, Adobe 2018 Digital Intelligence Briefing)

49% of marketers say that they are planning to increase their budget for video advertising in 2018.(Adobe, Adobe 2018 Digital Intelligence Briefing)

85% of marketers plan to increase investment in mobile video in 2018, up from 75% in 2017. (YouAppi, 2018 CMO Mobile Marketing Guide)

Percent of marketers using mobile video for different phases of the customer journey:

User Acquisition: 78% (down from 86% in 2017); Engagement: 65% (down from 68% in 2017); Segmentation:61% (up from 55% in 2017); Re-engagement: 57% (up from 50% in 2017); Awareness: 51% (up from 47% in 2017) (YouAppi, 2018 CMO Mobile Marketing Guide)

Customer journey stages that create the most challenge for video:

User Acquisition: 47% (same as 2017); Engagement: 19% (up from 17% in 2017); Brand Awareness: 19% (up from 15% in 2017); Segmentation: 10% (down from 11% in 2017); Re-engagement: 5% (down from 10% in 2017)(YouAPPI, 2018 CMO Mobile Marketing Guide)

65% of businesses that don’t currently use video say they intend to start using it in 2018. (up from 34% in 2017) (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool (up from 63% in 2017.) (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

99% of marketers who currently use video as a marketing tool say they will continue to do so (the same percentage as last year.) (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

85% of businesses regard video as an important part of their marketing strategy (up from 82% in 2017.) (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

82% of businesses plan to spend more on video marketing in 2018 (the same percentage as last year.) 78% of marketers say video gives them a good ROI (down from 83% in 2017.) (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

62% of marketers plan to increase their investment in Facebook video in the next year; only 4% plan to decrease. (Animoto, The State of Social Video 2017: Marketing in a Video-First World)


49% of marketers say that they are planning to increase their budget for video advertising in 2018.(Adobe, Adobe 2018 Digital Intelligence Briefing)

Top challenges marketers face with current video advertising activities:

Fraud on the ad networks: 48% (up from 33% in 2017); Effectively measuring impact of video investment: 45% (up from 40% in 2017); Difficulty targeting the right people:26% (down from 31% in 2017); Inability to determine if people are watching videos presented to them: 23% (up from 17% in 2017); Lack of trust in tracking and reporting: 13% (up from 11% in 2017); Balancing privacy issues with marketing goals: 11% (up from 9% in 2017) (YouAppi, 2018 CMO Mobile Marketing Guide)

Augmented Reality

21% of marketers plan to invest in augmented reality in 2018 (up from 13% in 2017).(YouAppi, 2018 CMO Mobile Marketing Guide)

Consumer Behavior

When a video stops to rebuffer, 21.6% will stop watching. When a video rebuffers twice 61% of the audience will abandon the video. After three time, 84.7 of the audience will stop watching. (Limelight Networks, The State of Online Video 2017)

81% of people have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

Having watched a branded video that they enjoyed, 83% of consumers would consider sharing it with their friends. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

69% of people have been convinced to buy a piece of software or application by watching a video. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

85% of people say they’d like to see more video from brands in 2018. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

55% of people consume video content thoroughly. HubSpot, State of Inbound 2017)

39% of consumers say they are more likely to finish a video if it includes text, so they can watch it silently. (Animoto, The State of Social Video 2017: Marketing in a Video-First World)

Increased Traffic, Sales and Other Success Factors

97% of marketers say video has helped increase user understanding of their product or service. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

76% of marketers say video has helped them increase sales. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

76% of marketers say video helped them increase traffic. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

47% of marketers say that video helped them reduce support queries. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

80% of marketers say video has increased dwell time on their website. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

Where both video and text are available on the same page, 72% of people would rather use video to learn about a product or service. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

Social Media, General

66% of small business brands surveyed reported that video received more engagement 9like, shares, comments) than any other form of content. (Animoto, 2018 Small Business Video Marketing Report)

61% of marketers use, or plan to use, video for social media, in 2018. Up from 48%, in 2017.(APPI, 2018 CMO Mobile Marketing Guide)

Percentage of marketers that are posting video on social networks, as part of their marketing strategy, by social network:

Facebook: 87%; YouTube: 78%; Twitter: 51%; Instagram: 51%; Snapchat: 37%; Pinterest: 26%; LinkedIn: 14% (Animoto, The State of Social Video 2017: Marketing in a Video-First World)

Percent of consumers watching brand videos every day, by social platform:

Facebook: 60%; YouTube 59%; Instagram: 58%; Snapchat 55%; Twitter: 49%; Pinterest: 41%; LinkedIn: 26% (Animoto, The State of Social Video 2017: Marketing in a Video-First World)

Percentage of consumers, by platform, who say that watching a video on social media influenced them to make a purchase, in the past month:

Facebook: 64%; YouTube: 52%; Pinterest: 32%; Instagram: 31%; Twitter: 27%; Snapchat: 22%; LinkedIn: 18% (Animoto, The State of Social Video 2017: Marketing in a Video-First World)

Percent of consumers engaging with brand videos (liking, sharing, commenting) every day, by social platform:

Facebook: 49%; YouTube: 32%; Instagram: 24%; Snapchat: 22%; Twitter: 22%; Pinterest: 18%; LinkedIn: 14% (Animoto, The State of Social Video 2017: Marketing in a Video-First World)

Social Media, Facebook

50% of small business brands surveyed reported that Facebook is their most important social media channel. (Animoto, 2018 Small Business Video Marketing Report)

91% of small business brands reported that they plan on creating a greater number of videos for Facebook in the next six months than they have in the last six months. (Animoto, 2018 Small Business Video Marketing Report)

63% of small business brands surveyed reported that they have paid to advertise their video on Facebook, with 43% primarily using the Boost button, and 57% of them primarily using the Facebook Ads Manager. (Animoto, 2018 Small Business Video Marketing Report)

68% of marketers have published video content on Facebook. Out of those, 87% found it to be an effective strategy. 70% of marketers plan to use Facebook Video in 2018. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

34% of marketers have used Facebook Live. Of those who used it, 81% found it to be an effective strategy. 37% plan to use Facebook Live in 2018. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

46% of marketers plan to add Facebook video to their content strategy in the next year. (HubSpot, State of Inbound 2017)

67% of marketers said they paid to boost or advertise video on Facebook in the last 12 months. (Animoto, The State of Social Video 2017: Marketing in a Video-First World)

Social Media, Instagram

74% of small business brands surveyed reported that they plan on creating more videos for Instagram in the next six months than they have in the last six months. (Animoto, 2018 Small Business Video Marketing Report)

29% of small business brands surveyed reported that they have paid to advertise a video on Instagram. (Animoto, 2018 Small Business Video Marketing Report)

57% of small business brands surveyed reported that they have posted on Instagram Stories in the last 30 days. (Animoto, 2018 Small Business Video Marketing Report)

41% of marketers have used Instagram video. Of those who used it, 78% found it to be an effective strategy. 44% say they plan to use Instagram video in 2018. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

While only 25% of marketers are investing in video advertising on Instagram and Twitter, more than half of marketers say they plan to increase investment on those two channels, next year. (Animoto, The State of Social Video 2017: Marketing in a Video-First World)

Social Media, LinkedIn

38% of marketers have published video content on LinkedIn. Of those who used it, 75% found it to be an effective strategy. 55% plan to use LinkedIn video in 2018. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

Social Media, Snapchat

11% of marketers have used Snapchat video. Of those who used it, 27% found it to be an effective strategy. Just 9% plan to use it in 2018. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

Social Media, Twitter

39% of marketers have published video content on Twitter. Out of those, 70% found it to be an effective strategy. 40% plan to use Twitter video in 2018. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

While only 25% of marketers are investing in video advertising on Instagram and Twitter, more than half of marketers say they plan to increase investment on those two channels, next year. (Animoto, The State of Social Video 2017: Marketing in a Video-First World)

Social Media, YouTube

87% of marketers have published video content on YouTube. Out of those, 90% found it to be an effective strategy. 87% of marketers say they plan to use it in 2018. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)

48% of marketers plan to add YouTube to their content strategy in the next year. (HubSpot, State of Inbound 2017)

Virtual Reality

15% of marketers plan to invest in virtual reality video (up from 13% in 2017).(YouAppi, 2018 CMO Mobile Marketing Guide)

14% of marketers have used virtual reality video. Of those who used it, 67% found it to be an effective strategy. 14% of marketers plan to use VR in 2018. (Wyzowl, State of Video Marketing 2018)