Animated Explainer Videos

Here's what you need to know about animated explainer videos and how to use this type of video to get marketing results for your business.

What Are Animated Explainer Videos?

An animated explainer video is usually short in length and includes animated graphics, and is used to explain products/services, business etiquette, company protocol, or simply go over an idea.

Animated explainer videos can be used to explain new information or concepts to your audience in a more visually appealing way, that would otherwise be too difficult or complex to explain with text and still images alone, or even other types of videos.

Example of an Explainer Video

Freighty - Explainer Video.” Youtube, uploaded by Vidico, 8 Jan. 2020

Fast Fact About Explainer Videos

Landing pages with explainer videos convert 86% better.

(Yans Media)

Why Do Businesses Use Explainer Videos?

Businesses use animated explainer videos because they are concise and engaging way to familiarize your audience with a product, service, brand, or idea.

When explaining complex or technical concepts through video, sometimes animated videos are the most effective way to deliver a lot of information in a short period of time, while keeping the viewer engaged. For example, when explaining the benefits of product insurance (see example video) or the inner workings of a piece of software, an animated explainer video is sometimes going to be much more entertaining than a person talking into a camera, product shots, demos, or stock footage.

How to Use Animated Explainer Videos

The ability of animated explainer videos explain even the most complex concepts in a short period of time makes them effective across a wide variety of digital marketing other channels including:

  • On your homepage
  • On landing pages
  • Video ad campaigns
  • Social media
  • Training and onboarding
  • Email marketing and outreach
  • Sales assets and pitches

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