Case Study:

Conveniently and Cost-Effectively Adding Value for Strategic Partners of First Virtual ASAE Annual Meeting

The American Society of Association Executive (ASAE) recently chose Remote Directed Video (RDV) to add ROI for sponsors supporting their annual meeting, which transitioned to virtual for the first time in 2020.

By working with Thoughtcast Media we were able to provide added value for our strategic partners. Our partners were very pleased with the videos, Thoughtcast Media was super easy to work with, and the whole process had little impact on staff resources.

– Dan Melesurgo, Vice President, Strategic Partnerships

Remote Video Production for Virtual Events

A safe, fast and cost-effective way to create high-quality and highly-effective videos for your event. We make capturing and producing event videos convenient, for both you and the speakers in your videos.

Transitioning to Virtual Events

The transition to virtual conferences and events offers many challenges, not the least of which is the threat it poses to traditional event-driven revenue streams. Restoring value to the exhibitor and sponsor experience is key to financial security, and event managers are going to have to get creative to do that.

One innovative approach that is helping event managers relies on remote video production to help increase the value of virtual exhibits and sponsorships. Professionally produced videos are valued as highly-effective ways to highlight the products and services that appeal to the very targeted audiences that conferences attract.

Done right, videos like these can add value to the exhibitor and sponsor experience and serve double duty as a promotional asset for the conference itself.

How They Used Remote Directed Video (RDV) to Make It Easy for Sponsors

The American Society of Association Executive (ASAE) recently chose the Remote Directed Video (RDV) solution from Thoughtcast Media as a way to add ROI for sponsors supporting their annual meeting, which transitioned to virtual for the first time this year.

Safe, Fast and Cost-Effective

If you haven’t seen it lately, professional remote video solutions have come a long way in recent years. They are completely touchless, turn-around is faster and, because there are no travel costs, remote video is surprisingly affordable.

Best of all, today’s solutions produce professional-grade imagery and audio. By eliminating streaming, the quality of remote video can rival traditional production methods.

Sample Video from This Project

Crowdsourcing is Problematic

Getting exhibitors and sponsors to submit their own videos is problematic, at best. To begin with, submitted videos are rarely in compliance with the established standards, leaving event organizers with videos that are poorly produced, exceed duration limits, and violate messaging standards.

Also, getting exhibitors and sponsors to submit their videos on time can be a harrowing business. Staff time is at a premium in the weeks leading up to a big conference and no one wants to dedicate staff to managing the submission of videos or verifying standards.

Central Management is Key

Remote video technology is central to any solution, but the services surrounding that technology are equally important.

Thoughtcast Media’s RDV service combines the latest technology with management services that uphold standards for quality, duration, and messaging.

Plus, the solution will not divert staff from other time-sensitive work in the weeks preceding the event, as the job of inviting, scheduling, and enforcing program timelines is handled by Thoughtcast Media.

ASAE Models Innovation

The American Society for Association Executives (ASAE) engaged Thoughtcast Media to record and edit a series of 16 remote videos for their Strategic Partners, in support of their annual meeting.

ASAE’s goals were to demonstrate alignment with their Strategic Partners, create excitement around their newly-minted virtual event, and add value in return for their sponsors’ investment dollars.

Each partner was provided with two videos – one for use prior to the meeting and one for use after the meeting. All videos were shot remotely using Thoughtcast Medias Remote Directed Video (RDV) service.

How It Worked

After a simple introduction by ASAE, Thoughtcast Media did the heavy lifting required to schedule and prepare partners for their remote video shoots. Within six weeks all 16 videos had been shot, edited, reviewed, and deployed by ASAE and their partners to their respective websites and to social media.

Remote Video Capture

The Results

Both ASAE and their Strategic Partners published the videos to their respective social media networks where they were viewed hundreds of times and garnered numerous likes and comments from meeting attendees.

“Event organizers everywhere are struggling to create value for their exhibitors and sponsors,” said Paul Gannon, the chief executive officer for Thoughtcast Media. “Providing exhibitors and sponsors with professional-grade video assets that they can use to promote their presence at virtual events is a way to build value while enlisting their support for promoting the event. RDV is a safe, fast, and very affordable way to do that.”

“We definitely plan to work with Thoughtcast Media again.” – Dan Melesurgo, Vice President, Strategic Partnerships

Opportunities for Creativity

Going virtual is not easy. As time goes on, experiences for attendees are almost certain to improve, but the financial challenges facing virtual conferences are much more immediate, and the process for restoring value to sponsors and exhibitors won’t wait.

Remote video certainly isn’t the complete answer, but it can add real value to meet financial challenges right now.

To learn more about how ASAE added value to their strategic partnership program, be sure to watch this video.

It’s a safe, fast, and affordable solution. Because it’s virtual, contactless solution, it can easily be put to work in a variety of different, creative configurations to solve the unique challenges faced by planners of event of all sizes.

Schedule a free consultation with us to explore creative options for using RDV to add value to your sponsorship or exhibitor programs.

Learn How To Add Value for Sponsors and Promote Your Virtual Events with Remote Directed Video (RDV)

We Made it Easy for Them to Create Videos for their Event

ASAE was able to add value for their strategic partners, and help connect them with attendees through social media channels, with some added advantages over a traditional, in-person video production:

  • RDV is Safe – Create professional event videos with people anywhere in the world, safely and conveniently.
  • RDV is Fast – Remote recording sessions take just 30-60 minutes, with guidance from a video director, and are turned into finished videos in as little as 7 days from recording.
  • RDV is Affordable – Without the need for film crews or pro-grade equipment, roughly 6 videos can be created for the price of one in-person production.

We Can Help You Too!

Schedule a consultation to learn more.

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