Video Production RFP [FREE TEMPLATE]

Want to make video content a powerful and profitable part of your marketing strategy, as a way to build awareness, generate leads, and drive revenue?

This RFP Template Can Be Used for:

  • Marketing/Sales/Advertising
  • Onboarding/Support/Learning
  • Customer Testimonials/Employee Advocacy
  • Anything else in your business that could benefit from a more engaging, human connection through video.

Use these RFP templates as a starting point for collecting proposals from multiple vendors, the development of a video marketing strategy, production of multiple marketing videos, the execution of a full-fledged video marketing campaign, and producing video safely in a fully socially-distant environment.

Update: With pandemic restrictions in place, we’ve updated this RFP template to include optional project requirements for capturing and producing video remotely.

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Video Production and Marketing RFP Template

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Remote Video Production RFP Template

Safe Video Production

Learn about remotely producing videos for your business – safely, quickly and affordably.

Using These Video Production RFP Templates

When issuing an RFP, it’s important to be as clear as possible about the objective and scope of the project, so that you receive the best possible marketing proposals in return.

Use this sample RFP to:

  • Provide information about your company, so agencies can offer a solution that truly meets your needs.
  • Clearly define campaign goals and set expectations to receive more thorough, well-informed proposals.
  • Weed out marketing agencies and video production houses that aren’t able to deliver on all your requirements.
  • Identify agencies that have a proven track record with remote video.

Outlined below are two sample requests for proposals that can be used to solicit proposals from marketing agencies for a video-based content marketing campaign.

Download the sample RFP that is most appropriate for your project. Simply add your branding and company information, modify the project requirements to your needs, and you’ll be ready to send it out to vendors!

Sample RFP for Video Marketing and Production – this RFP is appropriate for more involved, campaign-based projects.

Sample RFP for Remote Video Production – this is a straightforward RFP for projects using remote video production techniques, and therefore the most appropriate for organizations, industries, or geographies concerned with coronavirus restrictions.

Sample Video Production and Marketing Request for Proposal

For the full, formatted RFP template with additional commentary, download the Video Production and Marketing RFP Template and be sure to customize it to your needs.

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Video Production and Marketing RFP Template

Project Summary

[COMPANY] is a well-regarded player in the [INDUSTRY NAME] industry, and have had great success building an audience with written content. [COMPANY] now desires to [GOALS: elevate and solidify its position as a leader in the industry; generate qualified leads, drive traffic and educate your target audience; etc.] through the execution of a video marketing campaign.

The goal of the campaign is to [OVERVIEW OF GOALS].

The campaign will consist of a series of marketing videos that are released to relevant audiences, over a period of [TIME]. Each video will be supported by other digital and non-digital marketing assets, to facilitate delivery, engagement, and conversion.

[COMPANY] seeks the assistance of qualified agencies to assist with the planning, video production, and execution of the marketing campaign.


Company Information


[Provide a brief description of your company, including the number of employees, customer, offices, etc. Explain your unique selling proposition. Include any additional, high-level messaging that may be helpful.]


Products and Services

[Which of your products and services will be affected by the addition of video assets?.]



[Give a brief description of the different audiences your videos will be attempting to persuade.]



[List the competitors creating similar content, video or otherwise. Provide links to websites and other active channels.]


Other Marketing Initiatives

[Provide information on any past or existing marketing campaigns, events, etc. that may affect the campaign.]


Marketing Capabilities Overview

[Provide a brief overview of your marketing capabilities and infrastructure. Vendors will need to know how much support they will be asked to provide.]


Marketing Technology Stack

[What technologies do you currently use for executing and managing marketing campaigns. Include information on your video marketing platform, your marketing automation platform, and any other integrated marketing technologies that could be brought to bear on this project.]


Proposal Request

We invite qualified vendors to participate in this RFP. Proposals must be received by the specific date(s) and in the specific format, as defined below.


Timetable and Milestones

Date Milestone
[DATE] Request for Proposal Released to Vendors
[DATE] Request for Proposal Submission Deadline
[DATE] Vendors Notified of Presentation Date
[DATE] All Vendor and Supplier Demos Complete
[DATE] A Vendor Is Selected and Notified
[DATE] Service Agreement Executed and All Respondents Notified


RFP Vendor Responses

Please, provide responses to the following:


Vendor Company Overview

Provide a brief overview of your company.


Vendor Capabilities and Relevant Experience

List the capabilities your company will bring to bear on this project. Discuss your company’s experience with projects like this.

[Here, experience with actual video marketing campaigns is best, but related experience can also work. Look for vendors who have experience on both sides of the video production/campaign marketing sides of the equation. If you expect vendors to shoot remotely, be sure to ask specific questions about their capabilities in this regard.]


Remote Capabilities (if applicable)

What is your experience with remote video production? Please, indicate if you perform this work yourself or if you outsource it to other agencies.


Strategy Development

Describe how you would facilitate the development of a strategy for this project. What strategic elements would you typically include, in a project of this nature and scope?

[Strategy is the most important component of any marketing campaign. You’ll want to see how much importance each vendor places on this phase of the project, and the scope of each vendor’s strategic thinking. How much into the details is each vendor willing to go?]


Campaign Elements, Work Plan, and Timeline

What different elements would be included in the campaign? What content would be created, by whom? What activities would be executed, by whom? Please, provide a timeline for the development and delivery of each of the campaign elements you have defined.

[You’re looking for a fully-formed campaign approach that includes not only video content, but the marketing activities necessary to get that content in front of the right audiences, drive engagement, generate leads, and encourage conversions.]


Video Production

Please, define the process you would follow to produce the necessary video content. What advantages and risks are inherent in your process? Please include your preliminary recommendations for the following:

  • Remote or traditional production
  • Length of video
  • Shooting location(s)
  • Video style
  • Production values
  • On-camera talent
  • Resolution
  • Narration
  • Animated graphics

 [Do your vendors understand video production – especially remote video production – or are they planning to outsource this portion of the project? If the latter, how capable will they be in making sure that the video content and the promotional marketing elements of the campaign are in sync?]

Marketing and Promotion Process

Please, define the process you would follow to produce the non-video marketing assets and activities necessary to the successful execution of this project. 

[This is the other side of the video/marketing equation. How well equipped are your vendors for promoting the video assets that they produce, encouraging engagement, driving leads, and promoting conversions?]


Marketing Stack Integration

Based on our Marketing Technology Stack description provided above, which of our technologies will you be leveraging to conduct this campaign? What additional technologies would you recommend we acquire?

[How well do your vendors know how to leverage your marketing stack to maximize lead generation and other campaign objectives? Are there any technologies that you lack that should be added to your marketing stack, to facilitate campaign success?]


Project Management

How will you manage this project, to ensure that all activities are completed on time, on budget, and at defined quality levels?

[Do your vendors have the capacity to manage this project to completion? Will your project be spread across multiple project managers, or will it receive a named resource? What systems are in place for managing this process?]



Please, indicate which parts of the campaign, if any, you will be subcontracting to other companies.

[This will help you understand how much of the proposed work will be done in-house, and how much will be outsourced to other companies. What added risks, if any, will outsourcing create?]


Measures and Metrics

How would you propose we measure the success of this project? Which metrics are most important? What’s the best way to measure return on investment? Where are our greatest successes likely to be found?

[As Peter Drucker famously said, “What gets measured gets managed.” How much thought have your vendors given to measuring the success of your campaign? What metrics are most valuable? Where are you likely to see the greatest gains?]


Pricing and Costs

Based on the content and activities you are proposing for this campaign, please provide pricing for the work you will do. Also, please provide your estimate of any costs that are likely to accrue from other necessary vendors.


Relevant Case Studies and Examples

Please, provide links to any case studies, or examples of your work that are relevant to this project.


Submission Contact Information

Please, submit your proposal, in compliance with the timeline provided above, and any questions you may have to:







Sample Remote Video Production Request for Proposal

For the full, formatted RFP template with additional commentary, download the Remote Video Production RFP Template and be sure to customize it to your needs.

FREE DOwnload

Remote Video Production RFP Template

Project Summary

[COMPANY] is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to assist with the planning, production, and distribution of video content in order to [objectives that might include things like providing a measure of social proof, elevating your position as a thought leader, generating qualified leads, driving traffic to your website, etc.]

The goal of the campaign is to [specific goals that may include things like, increase traffic by 30%, or generate 300 leads.]

With pandemic restrictions in place, we have the safety or our customer, staff, and vendors at the forefront of our requirements. As such, we want to produce these video assets remotely, so as not to place anyone at risk.


Company Information



[Provide a brief description of your company, including the number of employees, customers, offices, etc. Explain your unique selling proposition. Include any additional, high-level messaging that may be helpful.]


Products and Services

[Which of your products and services will be the subject of these video assets?]



[Give a brief description of the different audiences your videos will be attempting to persuade.]


Proposal Request

We invite qualified vendors to participate in this RFP. Proposals must be received by the specific date(s) and in the specific format, as defined below.


Timetable and Milestones

Date Milestone
[DATE] Request for Proposal Released to Vendors
[DATE] Request for Proposal Submission Deadline
[DATE] Vendors Notified of Presentation Date
[DATE] All Vendor and Supplier Demos Complete
[DATE] A Vendor Is Selected and Notified
[DATE] Service Agreement Executed and All Respondents Notified


RFP Vendor Responses

Please provide responses to the following questions.


Vendor Company Overview

Provide a brief overview of your company.


Remote Video Productions Capabilities and Relevant Experience

List the capabilities your company will bring to bear on this project. Discuss your company’s experience with projects like this.


Strategy Development

Describe how you would facilitate the development of a strategy for this project. What strategic elements would you typically include, in a project of this nature and scope?


Campaign Elements, Work Plan, and Timeline

What different elements would be included in the campaign? What activities would be executed, by whom? Please, provide a timeline for the development and delivery of each of the campaign elements you have defined.


Video Production

Please, define the process you would follow to produce the necessary remote video content. What advantages and risks are inherent in your process? Please include your preliminary recommendations for the following: 

  •       Length of video
  •       Shooting location(s)
  •       Video style
  •       Production values
  •       On-camera talent
  •       Resolution
  •       Narration
  •       Animated graphics


Marketing and Promotion Process (IF APPLICABLE)

Please, define the process you would follow to produce the non-video marketing assets and activities necessary to the successful execution of this project.


Project Management

How will you manage this project, to ensure that all activities are completed on time, on budget, and at defined quality levels?



Please, indicate which parts of the production process, if any, you will be subcontracting to other companies.


Measures and Metrics

How would you propose we measure the success of this project? Which metrics are most important? What’s the best way to measure return on investment? Where are our greatest successes likely to be found?


Pricing and Costs

Based on the content and activities you are proposing, please provide pricing for the work you will do.


Relevant Case Studies and Examples

Please, provide links to any case studies, or examples of your work that are relevant to this project.

Submission Contact Information

Please, submit your proposal, in compliance with the timeline provided above, and any questions you may have to: